Compression Ratio Calculator
Compression Ratio Calculator
Extended compression ratio calculator that takes into account factors that are usually missed on other compression calculators that are available on the internet. This is a work in progress, values that are obtained by using the calculator below are theoretical and should be double checked for real world applications.
- # of Cylinders - Number of cylinders in the engine
- Bore - Cylinder bore diameter in inches
- Stroke - Stroke length in inches
- Rod Length - Length of the engine rods in inches
- Gasket Bore - Gasket bore diameter in inches
- Compressed Gasket Thickness - Thickness of the head gasket in inches
- Block Deck Height - Height of the block deck in inches
- Top Ring Down - Top ring down measurement of the piston in inches
- Chamber Volume - Combustion chamber volume in cubic centimeters
- Dome (-) Dish (+) - Piston dome/dish volume in cubic centimeters. Postiive for dish, Negative for dome.
- Piston / Deck - Piston to deck clearance in inches
# of Cylinders | |
Bore | |
Stroke | |
Rod Length | |
Gasket Bore | |
Compressed Gasket Thickness | |
Block Deck Height | |
Top Ring Down | |
Chamber Volume | |
Dome (-) Dish (+) | |
Piston / Deck |
Total Volume | |
Cylinder Volume | |
Clearance Volume | |
Gasket Volume | |
Top Ring Volume | |
Deck Volume | |
Piston Top Land | |
1/2 Stroke | |
Comp. Ht. | |
Cubic Inches | |
Compression Ratio |